Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Earth's Heart

As a nature lover and also as a geologist I have seen lots of caves in Iran, but this one, The "Chal- Nakhjieer" Cave, was totally different from the other ones. I walked for more than three hours in the bright glittering crystalin halls and corridors. After I left this magical place, for months I dreamed about this cave whenever I closed my eyes. At the end of one corridor I note the small pond that reflects the mother’s nature creativity which, flavored with good lighting.
به عنوان يك زمين‌شناس اين شانس رو داشتم كه غارهاي زيادي رو در ايران ببينم ولي بنظرم غار چال نخجير دليجان با همه فرق داره. براي ساعت‌ها من در ميان راهروها و تالارهايي از بلورهاي درخشان حركت مي‌كردم. بايد اعتراف كنم كه تا ماهها هر وقت چشمانم رو مي‌بستم تصوير اين غار رو مي‌ديدم. در انتهاي يكي از راهروها حوضچة كوچكي وجود داشت كه هنرمندي دست مادر طبيعت رو در خودش منعكس كرده بود. البته نورپردازي هم كه در غار شده بود كمي به زيباي تصوير كمك كرد


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lighting is magical. It's not easy to shoot inside caves. I'd love to try the Vibration Reduction (VR) technology on some lenses inside caves. My previous attempts with normal lenses have been unsuccessful. Of course if you go tripo, it's a different story...

8:45 AM  

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