My photographic notes on our planet "Earth" and the way we are living.
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كره زمين و زندگي بشر
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Balustrade and Leaves
Well, I’m still alive and try to manage my new life in Los Angeles and this is the main reason that I couldn’t upload new posts. Any how, this picture has been taken six years ago when I was joining a program at Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. Near the ICTP complex and beside the coast of Adriatic Sea, there is a beautiful castle which is called the Miamare Castle. This picture is a small part of the stair’s balustrade. I used 28-200mm Nikkor zoom lens, circular polarizing filter, and Agfa Optima professional (ASA 50).
To take this picture, I used my Nikkor 50mm lens with circular polarizing filter on it attached to the Nikon FM2 body. The FUJI Sensia ASA 100 is used as media.
"I am a person who’s been drifting within the worlds of Science and Art, and
my life is also divided up between these two. At work my colleagues think of
me as an artist who knows about geology, and my friends and buddies know me
as a geologist who has spent half of his life climbing mountains, collecting
rocks and camping out in deserts and mountains. But the truth is all of them
are wrong about me, geology and art. To me, geology is indeed the art of
observing the world around you in a very detailed manner, which helps you
listen to the nature’s calls deeper, and ponder about life."
آدمي هستم سرگردان ميان دو عالم علم و هنر، در دنيايي كه دو وجه زندگي مرا تشكيل دادهاست. همكارانم فكر ميكنند كه من در كنار كارهاي هنري كمي هم از زمينشناسي سر درميآورم و دوستانم به من به عنوان زمينشناسي نگاه ميكنند كه نيمي از عمر خود را صرف پرسه زدن در كوه و بيابان و كرده است و با سنگها سروكله ميزند. راستش را بخواهيد بايد بگم كه همه آنها در اشتباهند چون به نظر من زمينشناسي هنر صحيح ديدن و درست شنيدن است و هنري كه موجب ميشود در مورد زندگي عميقتر بيانديشيد.