Sunday, March 26, 2006

Scent of the Spring

Usually I never leave home without my camera and this is why my friends telling that I am putting my camera on. I left home at 3:30 am for a hike and have my Nikon EM and 50mm Nikkor lens with me. It was raining all day and just after I headed back, the rain has stopped and there you go, washed leaves, fresh bushes and trees, pine smell and I’ve got the scent of the spring sitting right in front of me.

Monday, March 20, 2006

نوروز پيروز، بهاران خجسته Happy Norouz, The Persian New Year

Norouz, is the Persian new year which is the first day of the Spring and the day of Earth. Happy Norouz and wish you all the best in the new year.

سالي خوش و پر از موفقيت براي همگي آرزومندم. نوروزتان پيروز

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Most of you may have this experience before, being in the right place at the wrong time, I mean finding a great subject but suffering from not having a good light. This is exactly what I’ve got in most of the time while I’m doing my field works. Usually I won’t be able to plan for a good timing for taking picture because I have to finish my geological field investigation first and this means I am missing the best time of the day. It becomes even worst if I work in the cloudy weather. But if you just break the basics and try to spend much more time on the subject rather than expecting good natural condition in the field, you will be able to make some good pictures even in poor lighting condition. I took this picture in a small canebrake near the Gorgan Bay. It was 6pm and the weather was cloudy, I just try to use my imagination to make a picture with blur background and put the soft focus on the first plan regardless of not having too much color. I am satisfied with the result.
By the way, you won’t see new posts for a while because I am moving and have no access to internet until I settle down.
حتماً براي شما هم بسيار اتفاق افتاده كه در زمان نامناسب به موضوعي جذاب براي عكاسي برخورد كرده باشيد، يعني وقتي كه بدترين شرايط نوري ممكن براي عكاسي فراهم باشه. اين همون شرايطي هستش كه من هميشه در هنگام انجام كار زمين‌شناسي با اون مواجه هستم. در هنگام كار معمولاً امكان برنامه ريزي براي عكاسي در زمان مناسب وجود نداره و تازه اگر هوا ابري باشه كه ديگه اوضاع بدتر هم ميشه. اما اگر خيلي به اصول اوليه در رابطه با نور مناسب توجه نكنيم و بجاي توقع شرايط محيطي مناسب، زمان بيشتري را براي درك سوژه صرف كنيم به نتايج جالب توجهي دست خواهيم يافت. اين عكس رو در يكي از نيزارهاي اطراف خليج گرگان گرفتم در ساعت شش عصر يك روز ابري. تلاش كردم با استفاده از كمي تخيل تصويري با پس زمينه محو و پيش زمينه‌اي نه چندان واضح ايجاد كنم بدون اينكه رنگ نقشي اساسي در تصوير بازي كند. از نتيجه كار راضي هستم . راستي تا چند وقتي نميتونم عكس جديد پست كنم چون در حال اسباب كشي هستم و تا چند وفتي به اينترنت دسترسي ندارم

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Silver and Blue

For taking this picture, I attached the circular polarizing filter to my 100mm Nikkor lens and used Konica ASA 800 as a medium. The noise is reduced using Neat Image software and I’m satisfied with the result.
براي گرفتن اين عكس ازلنز ١٠٠ ميليمتري نيكور به همراه فيلتر پلاريزه حلقوي استفاده كردم. چون از نگاتيو كونيكا با حساسيت ٨٠٠ استفاده كرده بودم با نرم افزار نيت ايميج، گرين عكس رو كم كردم و به نظرم نتيجه كار رضايت بخش اومد